Younger generation recognised at Tidy Town Awards

November 22, 2018

Parap Primary School and Areyonga school have been recognised at the 2018 Territory Tidy Towns Awards for their commitment to promoting and creating eco-friendly sustainable communities. Keep Australia Beautiful Council Northern Territory CEO, Heimo Schober, said both schools were leading the way in environmental change in their communities and region. “The schools have been recognised for the

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Congrats to Nightcliff Primary School on Eco-School Silver Award!

November 1, 2018

Nightcliff Primary School joined the Eco School journey several years ago and has continued to strive towards being an environmentally-conscious school. Their Eco-Committee, the ‘Eco-Warriors’, is comprised of a dedicated group of over 45 Year 5 and 6 students who strive to make Nightcliff Primary School (NPS) as sustainable as possible. The group, led by

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Litter Legends Campaign: important dates

August 21, 2018

The Litter Legends Campaign is an exciting global schools project to implement a project to reduce litter and improve recycling in their school and community with Eco-Schools in the driver’s seat. Eco-Schools that join this project will follow the Eco-Schools 7-step framework to carry out their campaign on litter, including monitoring litter, raising awareness of

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Eco Schools PD Sessions for Teachers

July 26, 2018

We will be running a number of Eco School sessions in the upcoming months in NT. The sessions are free and are aimed at helping teachers explore the resources available for Eco Schools. Any teacher, senior teachers and those interested in school sustainability project can join. Please register your interest by sending an email to

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Wax worms arrive in Parap!

June 19, 2018

Local Member Mr Michael Gunner will present the ‘Silver Eco School Award’ to Parap Primary School on Monday 25th June at 8:30am School Assembly. He will also present the school with two aquatic tanks to assist with their Grades 2 and 3 pupils researching the ‘Wax Month’ to determine if they do indeed eat plastic

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Parap Primary School wins Silver Eco-Schools award!

May 24, 2018

  Parap Primary School in Parap, NT, has been awarded the prestigious Eco-Schools Silver Award for exceptional achievement in ‘greening’ physical structure and grounds, conserving natural resources and integrating environmental education into the curriculum. It is the firt school in the Northern Territory to attain the silver-level award, Eco-Schools Australia’s second of three awards honor.

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Parap Primary School in the News!

May 24, 2018

Did you see Parap Primary School featured on Nine News!?  Watch the short video to see what they’re up to from boomerang bags to eco gardens. It’s all part of their Eco-School activities.  Watch the video to see more.      

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NT Eco-School wins silver!

April 26, 2018

We’re very proud to announce one of the Northern Territory Eco-Schools has achieved a SILVER Eco-Schools award! This is the first (of many we hope!) schools in the Northern Territory to attain the silver-level award. They have been awarded silver accreditation for their exceptional achievement in ‘greening’ physical structure and grounds, conserving natural resources and integrating

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