As an Eco-School, teachers have access to a stack of great resources. We’d like to promote lesson plans developed to assist in teaching students about the issues of litter, waste and sustainability. Eco-Schools have free access to both global and national lesson plans. The plans are based on the Eco-Schools methodology and for the age groups: 6-8, 9-12 and 13-16 years.
These lesson plans support the campaign known as ‘Litter Less Campaign‘. The campaign’s aim is to reduce litter and affect long-term behavioural change, globally, among young people. Currently the campaign is in its third phase, being implemented in schools through the Eco-Schools program. In the second phase, 29,596 teachers and 1,478 schools from 35 countries participated in the campaign.
The Lesson Plans are developed with the objectives of increasing a student’s knowledge and changing their attitude about waste, litter management, and sustainability. The lesson plans will help teachers to guide classroom and outdoor learning on the wider challenge of litter and its linkages with our life styles. Schools and teachers interested in the campaign can use the lesson plans for free. They are based on the Eco-Schools methodology and categorised based on 5 age groups . Please click on the image below for the detailed plan.