Benefits of the Eco-Schools programme

Eco-Schools is an international initiative designed to encourage whole-school action on sustainable development issues. The programme is designed to help make every school sustainable and to bring about behaviour change in students, staff and their families. Evidence shows that the EcoSchools programme delivers:


It inspires and empowers young people to take action towards an economically, socially, and environmentally just world by:
• creating leaders of change in their communities
• empowering future decision-makers
• widening their learning beyond the classroom
• helping them develop responsible attitudes and commitment
• increasing their levels of confidence and motivation
• increasing their participation in environmental actions
• improving their skills and knowledge in all subject areas, including teamwork
• improving their mental and physical wellbeing


• an improved school environmental impact

• involvement with the local community, other schools and organisations

• financial savings

• the embedding of sustainable development principles into the curriculum

• the capacity to nurture and support intrinsic values (care, empathy, creativity, compassion)

• improved wellbeing of children and staff

• a sense of pride in the school among staff and students.

• a positive model for the neighbourhood and town/ city.


Eco-Schools is an inclusive programme, involving the local community right from the beginning. In time, the environment in the neighbourhood, town or city will be improved and the community show more sustainable, environmentally responsible behaviour patterns.


There is a strong international network of institutions involved with the Eco-Schools programme within the country and around the world. We share ESD information and this can be a means for cultural exchanges and improving language skills and together shaping environmental stewardship globally.