Be Crocwise


Saltwater crocodiles are dangerous to people and pets.

You should always be aware of the risk of a saltwater crocodile attack in all Top End waterways.

It is never 100% safe to enter the water. Your personal safety is your responsibility.

Be Crocwise

Be Crocwise is a Northern Territory Government campaign to educate people about crocodiles and reduce the risk of attacks.

You must always be cautious. Be Crocwise every time you go near or in a waterway in the Top End.

Be Crocwise resources

Be Crocwise learning materials and talks can help teachers and students learn about crocodile safety.

Where crocodiles live

Saltwater crocodiles live in both saltwater and freshwater areas of the Northern Territory (NT).

They are common throughout the Top End and Katherine regions.

Crocodile population

Saltwater crocodiles were listed as protected in 1971 after being hunted almost to extinction.

Since then their numbers have increased and it is now estimated that there are between 100,000 and 200,000 in the wild.

Saltwater crocodile populations have expanded into areas where they have not been found since before hunting began.

Read more about crocodiles.

Fatal attacks

Most fatal crocodile attacks in the NT in the past 20 years have occurred when people have entered the water outside of designated swimming areas.

The NT government has a capture and management program for crocodiles that pose a risk to safety.

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